If you have a large estate with plenty of acreage, you'll want to construct not only a custom luxury home but also a variety of additional luxury buildings to go with it. After all, your estate may need a pool house or a stable. Here are some ideas for custom luxury buildings you could construct on your estate along with your home.
Detached Garage
Whether you have an antique car collection or buy the newest sports car model each year, your cars need the best protection from the weather and any other potential threats.
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If you have never built a house in your lifetime, then why not do it the next time you plan to move? Building a house can be a really fun and unique experience because you get to make the house custom in just about any way, shape, and form that you want.
The first step to building any house, though, is to buy a lot for sale. Before you pick just any lot with a good price tag, you may want to consider looking at luxury community lots for sale.
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